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Food Processors Ltd - eJobsFiji

Food Processors Ltd

About Food Processors Ltd
Food Processors (Fiji) Limited has been in operation for over 30 years. Food manufacturing is its
main line of business, specialized in value adding local fruits, vegetables, root crops and marine products for the local & export markets.

The company produces Tomato sauce, Chillie sauce, Coconut Cream, and Worcestershire PMU
Sauce which is produced for Goodman Fielder (Fiji Ltd. Local Agro-based products include Canned Palusami, which is a ready to eat dish of taro / dalo leaves (leaves of Colocasia Esculenta) in coconut cream, Dalo (Colocasia Esculenta), Cassava (Minihot Esculenta) Duruka a Fijian vegetable delicacy (grain sorghum - Saccharum Edule), Breadfruit or Uto (Artocarpus Altilis), Tahitian Chestnuts or Ivi, and Marine produce comprising reef fish, crabs, lobsters, freshwater mussels and prawns.
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